10 Masterpiece Video Games You Can't Deny

9. Outer Wilds

the outer wilds
Mobius Digital

If you can put Outer Wilds down for anything it’s the unfortunate timing of launching in a very similar release window to The Outer Worlds so for a while there a lot of gamers had complicated conversations where you weren’t sure which one they were talking about.

Luckily they’re both great games but arguably only one of them knocks it out of the park and that’s Outer Wilds.

Not dissimilarly to Heroes III, Outer Wilds will find its audience in a particular niche. These aren’t games for everybody and that’s just fine because what they do accomplish in their respective niche and genre is nothing short of outstanding. Travelling from 1999 all the way up to 2019, Outer Wilds is a unique gem of a game created by just six people. It’s a funny little thing at first glance; an odd-looking world filled with strange creatures and an obtuse mission to travel to other planets in a mechanically tricky spaceship while managing the fact that you’re stuck in a time loop. All that said, Outer Wilds is a game where you get out what you put in and there is so much magic to get out here. The puzzles are stunningly clever and the worlds are all manner of unique, challenging, terrifying, and awe-inspiring.

Perhaps most importantly, Outer Wilds is one of the few games in recent years that not only respects your skill, it respects your intelligence and agency to explore and discover on your own.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.