10 Mega-Hyped 2014 Video Games That Will Definitely Disappoint

7. No Man€™s Sky

Here€™s an interesting selection, because the primary reason this game makes the cut isn€™t because the game looks bad or awful. This was one of the most interesting games shown at the 2013 Spike VGA€™s, showing off a huge and colourful world to explore in the skies at your own discretion. Unfortunately, over the course of the holidays Hello Games€™ offices were struck by strong regional storms and completely flooded, and as a result they have lost almost all of their data. It remains to be seen how the studio proceeds from here, what they can recover, and how everything will affect whatever the final product becomes, but it€™s probably best to sympathise and lower your expectations a notch. I€™m not even sure if they can continue making games period at the moment; their entire office was flooded. That€™s like expecting What Culture to publish content if a similar natural disaster struck their office.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.