1. Metal Man's Weapon of Death
Metal Man's weapon is quite possibly the most powerful weapon in Mega Man II. It could be the most powerful Robot Master weapon in the series. Every Robot Master in Mega Man II takes more damage from Metal Blade than the regular Buster, though not as much as the weapon they're weak to. It's so volatile that it can kill Metal Man, its master, in one or two hits! Metal Blade also has the highest number of uses out of any other special weapon in the game. The "backstory" was later created to say that since Metal Man was Dr. Wily's first creation, there were design flaws that were later worked out for the next Robot Masters, however, it was never fixed in Metal Man, giving him a weakness to Mega Man's Buster and his own weapon. So, there you have it. How many of these facts did you know? Did you know the story behind them? Drop a comment in the box and let everyone know your thoughts.