3. Inafune, You Are NOT The Father!
While Keiji Inafune is given the credit for Mega Man's design, he was not his original creator. Mega Man's original design was created by Akira Kitamura and was later polished by Inafune. The "father" of Mega Man is still responsible for most of the game's future success as well as many of the enemies, Robot Masters, and backgrounds for the first game. He does admit that he was not the sole creator. However, he did get to design his own Mega Man version when work began on Mega Man X, but his creation wasn't X, it was Zero. He knew that this drastic change in design could possibly be seen in a negative light, so he instead turned his "X" into Zero and made him a side character, sort of like an Obi-Wan Kenobi to X's Luke Skywalker.