10 Merciless One-Hit-Kill Enemies In Video Games

4. Tyrannosaurus Rex - Tomb Raider Series

Winter Lantern Bloodborne
Eidos Interactive

Remember when Tomb Raider was fun and not just angsty hi-def misery all the time? Well, Square Enix clearly don't, buuuut that's a story for another day.

The original Lara Croft was no stranger to fighting all manner of unfeasible things, and dinosaurs fit into that category like a glove.

Of course, you couldn't have a dinosaur game without featuring the king of all the carnivores, and not only does the Tyrannosaurus Rex roar onto the scene in the first Tomb Raider but it also makes an appearance in the half-a-dozen Lara Croft games that followed it.

In Tomb Raider I to III, though, this stumpy-armed menace is particularly dangerous. It can close the distance between you and it in a matter of a second, damages you on contact, and is incredibly hard to get away from.

But that's not the worst part, as it can instakill you if you happen to be standing too close to its mouth - specifically, by picking you up and flinging you about like a chew toy.

By the law of video games, this toothy galoot is probably one of fans' most lasting memories of the original Tomb Raider trilogy. Besides trapping the butler in the freezer, of course.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.