10 Mind-Blowing "What If?" Video Game Scenarios That Almost Happened

10. Halo Releases, But Not As An Xbox Exclusive (Or As An FPS)

halo combat evolved

Although it's hard to think of a world without Halo being an Xbox exclusive, there was a time when Bungie's seminal shooter was destined for another platform.

The title, featuring everyone's favourite Master Chief in a starring role, was originally going to be released for both Mac and Windows. So confident of this was Steve Jobs, who formally announced the title to journalists at the now defunct Macworld expo in 1999. The key difference here, however, was that it was also going to be a real-time strategy game, based in part on Bungie's Myth series that, although popular in some respects, was never destined to reach the heights Halo would eventually overcome.

Come 2000, and the game differed drastically from its original template. Now a first-person shooter, Bungie had been acquired by Microsoft and - as we all know - the rest was history.

While a world without Bungie's iconic shooter is a suitably spooky one to contemplate, it is interesting to think of what might've been if the studio had persisted with their original RTS concept and indeed, fobbed-off Microsoft altogether. Terrifying, but interesting nonetheless.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.