10 MIND-BLOWING Upcoming RPGs You Need To Know About

4. Warlander

final fantasy 16
Clock Drive Games

From indie developer Clock Drive Games, Warlander is a pretty RPG not dissimilar from the Fable franchise. The visuals are quaint, with bold colours, exaggerated designs and incredible lighting that adds an extra layer of depth to the environment.

Warlander is set in a fantasy world where tactical, well thought combat is a must. You’ll need to be planning strikes, swings and slashes in order to match vulnerabilities of the many enemies.

Weirdly enough, usually simple elements of an enemy’s appearance such as height, width, attack pattern and armour type now make a huge impact on combat. This is because you’ll need to be aware of the weak spots, uncovered parts of the body which can be used to dismember, behead or split enemies in half.

As of right now, set for release in April 2020, Warlander seems small in scale but mind-blowing in its aforementioned technical combat. Slow paced, methodical action which is complemented with a literal skill tree, motivating you to try new things.

Do you want a skill relating to someone’s legs? Well, you better get amputating. Collect some limbs and bring them back to the skill tree.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.