10 MIND-BLOWING Upcoming RPGs You Need To Know About

3. Kingdom Of Night

final fantasy 16
Black Seven Studios

Kickstarter can be a scary thought as although there’s been success stories, many projects have burnt consumers, making them think twice about crowd-funding.

Though, I think we’ve got something special with Kingdom of Night. Reaching its goal within 48 hours, the devs have added tier upon tier to the roadmap and have a lot to share about their game.

To start with, there are nine classes split into three groups of melee, ranged and magic. Then there are three branches of skills with ten abilities in each. Seems like a lot, huh? Perfect. Next we have varying loot tables that offer items from drops, bosses and quests.

Said to be over 25 quests (remember, indie), it’s hard not to get a little bit giddy when reading the description.

An introductory chapter and then you’re off, able to explore the town of Baphomet with your notebook in hand. The world is stylised and although the pixel art could turn some players away, inspiration from the 80s may just as quickly pull them back.

Ultimately, we’ve got a small-scale game with heart, unafraid to compete with the big dogs of the RPG world with its enthusiastic approach to character depth. Though, once again, we advise caution because crowdfunding can be a tricky beast in regard to delays, drama and dropped content.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.