10 MIND-BLOWING Upcoming RPGs You Need To Know About

2. Dreamscaper

final fantasy 16

The Binding of Isaac mixed with RPG elements, not something you hear very often. What’s more is the combination of gaming with surrealism and depression, hard topics to discuss, let alone create a game about.

Dreamscaper offers both of these with two playable worlds. One where the protagonist, Cassidy, is awake, living a normal life in coffee shops and book stores, and the dream world, where the action takes place.

It’s hard to define this as a strict RPG, however, interviews with developers and the demo have shown that there's plenty of room for both exploration and interaction to take place.

An example of this interaction is if Cassidy talks at lengths with certain people, say, a sci-fi writer in a bookstore. If she’s inspired, she’ll be able to find weapons relating to that topic in the dream world.

Again, not strictly RPG but we like the combination and focus on some kind of progression that remains in the real world. Far too many rogue-likes/lites take themselves way too seriously. Yet they forget that the trail-blazer of them all, Isaac, featured an abused child crying at literal pieces of s**t in his basement.

Dreamscaper looks to create a nice balance of story, replayability in the rogue-like areas and a player-driven experience in the real world, offering exploration and interaction with unique characters.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.