10 Mind-Blowing Video Game Plot Twists Nobody Saw Coming

2. Darth Revan Reveal In Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

When you get a universe as rich in characters and lore as Star Wars, you have plenty to work with in order to craft an excellent story. That is exactly what BioWare managed to do in its epic Star Wars: KOTOR RPG. You play as a character with amnesia so, right from the start, this could signal a nice twist coming down the road. You know that you€™re a Jedi and immediately you set forth to try and stop Darth Malak, a powerful Sith Lord and current baddie of the day. You assemble a team of companions and off you go! During your adventure, you will be given a ton of backstory on the events and each individual character. Creating a rich and detailed universe full of interesting information is something that BioWare is particularly good at so chances are that you would have been persuaded to read through every bit of knowledge you came across. You learn more about Malak and you also learn about his former master Darth Revan, a Sith Lord so powerful and evil he makes Vader look about as threatening as a mosquito bite. Seriously, everywhere you go, everyone you meet, it€™s always €œRevan, scourge of the universe€. So then you begin thinking to yourself that Revan clearly has to play a role here. Maybe they€™ll do a clever switch and have Revan be the final boss and get rid of Malak early on. Or maybe they€™re saving Revan for the sequel. Who knows? Actually, it turns out to be neither. You fight Malak at the end of the game. And Revan, the puppy-eating, queue-barging monster? It€™s you. You€™d been captured by the Jedi Council and brainwashed so you wouldn€™t remember who you were. Since KOTOR is a game with different endings depending on your play style, the big reveal can turn the game into a story of redemption or you can show everyone that they should€™ve gotten rid of you when they had the chance.
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Radu recently left a boring job and now writes stuff on the internet. When he's not here he's probably writing for GeeKiez. He's into wrestling, video games and a ton of TV shows, as well as all things weird or science-y. Feel free to talk to him about this stuff on Twitter.