10 Mind-Blowing Video Game Plot Twists Nobody Saw Coming

3. Sidekick Becomes Villain In Portal 2

Portal was a huge surprise. It was just meant to be a little puzzler offered as a bonus in a pack that contained other new hits such as Half-Life Episode 2 and Team Fortress 2. Despite low expectations, in the minds of many, Portal managed to steal the show, thanks in part to its addictive gameplay but also the clever story with a twist that spawned one of the most long-lasting memes on the internet regarding the veracity of baked desserts. Then came Portal 2. We didn€™t really know what to expect from it. Most of us were simply looking for more of the same. We would become pawns as the fiendishly twisted GlaDOS would subject us to more of her devious tests. This time we had a friendly sidekick named Wheatley by our side, masterfully voiced by Stephen Merchant. He was a bit dim, goofy but nevertheless, entertaining €“ just like a sidekick should be. Portal was only a few hours long if you knew what you were doing so we weren€™t really expecting a long adventure out of the sequel. Therefore, when we once again thwarted GlaDOS, most of us assumed the game was over. And then Wheatley stabs us in the back. Drunk with power, our former companion assumes the role of GlaDOS and an entire new adventure begins. You are even forced to become unexpected allies with GlaDOS€ who was now trapped inside a potato.
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Radu recently left a boring job and now writes stuff on the internet. When he's not here he's probably writing for GeeKiez. He's into wrestling, video games and a ton of TV shows, as well as all things weird or science-y. Feel free to talk to him about this stuff on Twitter.