10 Mind-Blowing Video Game Plot Twists Nobody Saw Coming

8. The Precursors Are Ottsels In Jak 3

This plot twist is often forgotten and doesn€™t get the credit it deserves, but it was not only surprising and well executed, but also genuinely funny. It is hard to tell how long the big reveal had been planned for. The Precursors are mentioned ever since the first Jak & Daxter game as an ancient race of supreme beings so advanced that they are worshipped as deities in the present by Jak€™s race. Also early on (in the first cutscene actually) Daxter is transformed by Dark Eco into a furry little creature called an ottsel (half otter, half weasel) in order to better embrace his role as the funny wisecracking sidekick. All throughout the series we are supposed to marvel at how powerful the Precursors must have been. And we keep hearing about them and in the third game we actually get to interact with a mystical statue/creature created by the Precursors that keeps giving Jak new powers. And right towards the end of the game we find out things aren€™t exactly what they seem. In a €œpay no attention to the man behind the curtain€-like scenario, the statue is revealed to be just a mere contraption operated by the Precursors who are very much alive€ and they are ottsels. So the powerful, mystical beings everyone€™s been praising so much were basically little, furry rodents. To their credit, they were smart enough to realize that nobody would take them seriously in their current condition, hence the deceit. The scene contained a lot of humor and put a satisfying end to the trilogy, unlike a more recent similar trilogy (looking at you, Mass Effect). Wouldn€™t it have been better if Mass Effect went the Jak & Daxter route and the Protheans turned out to be sentient honey badgers?
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Radu recently left a boring job and now writes stuff on the internet. When he's not here he's probably writing for GeeKiez. He's into wrestling, video games and a ton of TV shows, as well as all things weird or science-y. Feel free to talk to him about this stuff on Twitter.