10 Misconceptions You Have About Working In The Games Industry

2. We Get That You Don€™t Play Games

20th Century Fox20th Century FoxSometimes, when faced with your games industry credentials, people immediately drive a stake through the heart of the conversation by informing you that they don€™t play games. Usually this is a hushed apology delivered in a slightly bashful tone, as if they€™re wary of enraging you. Occasionally there€™ll be a tinge of pride in their voice as they explain that they haven€™t played a game since Space Invaders and state flatly that they can€™t see the appeal. It can be hard to respond to this without causing, or indeed taking, offence. Does this person believe you€™re so socially maladjusted that without the common ground of video games to talk about, the only alternative is an uncomfortable silence? Most likely. You don€™t care if they never play a game in their life €“ it€™s their loss €“ and you certainly don€™t want to come across as some sort of crazed zealot who believes the Government should make everyone complete Dark Souls before they€™re allowed a mortgage. On the other hand, if you accept their cultural deficiency with a shrug and a smile it could be taken as a tacit agreement that their opinion is somehow the norm, which simply isn€™t true in an age where half of the UK and nearly two-thirds of American households play games. However you decide to respond to the non-gaming mutant, make sure to stand your ground. We get that not everyone wants to play video games, but it still means that they€™re missing out.
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Chris has over a decade's experience as a game designer and writer in the video game industry. He's currently battling Unity in a fight to the death.