10 Misconceptions You Have About Working In The Games Industry

1. It€™s A Real Job For Grown-Ups

wikiwikiMost of the people you meet, even if they think video games are the biggest pile of tosh imaginable, will be polite enough to keep their ill-founded opinions to themselves. If you€™re unlucky, you may run into one of the loudmouths who€™s rude, drunk or pompous enough to belittle the games industry by letting you know that it€™s €˜not a proper job€™, merely a refuge for man-children who indulge in childish simulations of war and killing rather than grow up and move out of their parents€™ back bedroom. Assuming you want to rise to the bait and prove them wrong €“ and you€™d be well in your rights just to walk away €“ where do you start? You could talk about the games, of course; tales of purgatory and loss, discovery and adventure, grief and suffering. You could explain the appeal of titles that make you smarter, fitter or more knowledgeable, or games that bring you together with your family. If you€™ve spent time in the industry though, you€™ll already know how to answer this question. You can talk about your colleagues and your friends; talented and creative people who are entrusted with cutting-edge technology and billions of very grown-up dollars because they are, quite simply, extremely intelligent and driven professionals who just happen to enjoy harnessing their vivid imaginations and a sense of fun. People have lots of misconceptions about the video game industry, and the only way that€™s going to change is if those within it speak with conviction and pride about the job they do and the men and women they work alongside. Who knows €“ you might even inspire a few future colleagues or, at the very least, a few new gamers. Do any of you have any tales to tell? Perhaps this is the first peek behind the curtain you've read about? Let us know in the comments!
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Chris has over a decade's experience as a game designer and writer in the video game industry. He's currently battling Unity in a fight to the death.