10 Misconceptions You Have About Working In The Games Industry

5. Video Game Music Is Still Real Music

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMtlLpYcCAQ Picture the scene: you€™re listening to a piece of music from one of your favourite games when someone who isn€™t a gamer overhears you. It€™s clear that the music interests them, but when they ask what it€™s from - and you reluctantly reveal it€™s from a video game - the light goes out of their eyes and they immediately lose interest. It€™s a familiar scenario and one that€™s incredibly frustrating even to fans of game music, let alone its composers. In an age where video games command nine-figure budgets and entire orchestras are called upon to bring the music to life, game soundtracks are as varied and as accomplished as anything that film and television has to offer. Yet for most people, the mental association with 8-bit bleeps and bloops is so strong, the music€™s origins is enough to activate some sort of mental block that forbids enjoyment. The situation€™s not helped by how games are represented in other media; if you want to show someone playing a game, overlay it with Tron-era sound effects and explosions. It€™s a convenient shorthand to make it obvious what that person€™s doing; unfortunately, it€™s also doing a great disservice to the many talented composers who don€™t receive the recognition of their peers. Fortunately, with game music now making in-roads on mainstream radio stations and more gaming concerts springing up every year, this is one misconception that may be on the verge of dying out.
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Chris has over a decade's experience as a game designer and writer in the video game industry. He's currently battling Unity in a fight to the death.