10 Misconceptions You Have About Working In The Games Industry

4. We€™re Not Gaming Savants

United ArtistsUnited ArtistsIf there€™s one group most likely to be excited upon hearing you make video games for a living, it€™s kids. Once your secret€™s out, it€™s quite likely you€™ll have some of the little dears dragged before you to stare wide-eyed at the Lesser-Spotted Game Developer. You€™ll be interrogated as to what consoles you own, how many games are in your collection€ all benign questions compared to the comments made by adults. And then, just when you think you might actually be in with a chance of surviving the conversation, you€™ll be dragged off to a messy bedroom and soundly thrashed at an out-of-date FIFA or something with Naruto in it. For kids, getting to play a game with someone who makes games is a badge of honour, and it doesn€™t really matter that you€™ve never touched a Pikachu in your life. More generally, people will just assume that you€™re intimately familiar with every video game that is or has ever been and that your reflexes rival those of Mr. Miyagi after a gallon of Red Bull. Gaming knowledge is a good thing, but if you€™ve got a job in the industry you€™re going to find yourself with fewer hours left for gaming, not more. You€™ll look back with dewy-eyed nostalgia on cold winter nights spent playing games, and on long summer days that were also spent playing games because outside has nettles and wasps.
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Chris has over a decade's experience as a game designer and writer in the video game industry. He's currently battling Unity in a fight to the death.