10 Misunderstood Video Game Consoles The World Should Have LOVED

7. Wii U

Uncharted ps vita

Nintendo's release of the Wii U, a direct successor to the brilliantly successful Nintendo Wii, should have been a home run for the company.

Featuring some of the more fun games of recent years such as Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart 8, the potential in the Wii U was there for all to see.

Remarkably, the Wii U didn't harness the main stream attention Nintendo hoped for and despite attracting a large portion of the younger gaming audience, uptake among more experienced gamers was slow.

Mario Kart 8 though remains one of the finest the series has produced, while the concept of being able to pick up and play on the move is something Nintendo stuck with as they moved on to releasing the Nintendo Switch.

Many forget though, that being able to relax on the couch with an assortment of Nintendo titles was a Wii U feature first. Not to mention, those titles could include the entire multi-platform back catalogue of Nintendo, as the Wii U had the most impressive Virtual Console of them all.

Despite the poor sales and reputation with mainstream gamers, the Wii U does have an army of followers thanks to those aforementioned titles and features.

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Football, WWE, NBA, Pokemon, Star Wars, Breaking Bad. Father to two humans and one dog. At my most stressed when getting beat on NBA2K and blaming 'laggy internet' for all losses.