10 Misunderstood Video Game Consoles The World Should Have LOVED

5. Nintendo GameCube

Uncharted ps vita

2002 saw the Nintendo GameCube hit European shores as the Japanese tech giant sought to keep up with the market while offering exclusive titles for its hardened Nintendo audience.

It did just that to some extent as superb games such as Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Mario Sunshine became instant classics. Further titles such as Luigi's Mansion have gone on to became staples of the Nintendo franchise too, so all has not been lost with the GameCube.

It might have missed the boat somewhat in terms of popularity and sales targets, but the Gamecube deserves credit for introducing console players to online gaming.

Nintendo didn't exactly manage the online gaming experience for themselves, but they delivered a product which allowed users the opportunity to delve into a community only previously played by PC gamers.

Gamecube deserves recognition it probably doesn't always get and can hold its head high in revolutionising the world of gaming as we know it today.

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Football, WWE, NBA, Pokemon, Star Wars, Breaking Bad. Father to two humans and one dog. At my most stressed when getting beat on NBA2K and blaming 'laggy internet' for all losses.