10 Misunderstood Video Game Consoles The World Should Have LOVED

4. Atari Lynx

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The Atari Lynx can be looked back on with fondness and was a pioneer in some aspects of the gaming world we see today.

Eight player gaming was introduced via the Lynx as players could simply link their machines with a cable to enjoy in larger groups, while its graphical capabilities in 1990 were pretty impressive for a handheld console.

The Lynx was held back essentially by a lack of titles and software development, with the 1991 release of the SEGA Game Gear doing little to help Atari's cause.

There is a hardened group of gaming veterans out there who will no doubt love the Lynx and for good reason. The problem in terms of worldwide success was that it was already up against the hugely popular Nintendo Game Boy, while the Game Gear threw out title after title to keep hold of its own market share.

Atari can hold their heads high with the Lynx though and the technology it used at the time has led to gamers being able to exeperience a lot of the co-op modes we now see.

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Football, WWE, NBA, Pokemon, Star Wars, Breaking Bad. Father to two humans and one dog. At my most stressed when getting beat on NBA2K and blaming 'laggy internet' for all losses.