10 Misunderstood Video Game Consoles The World Should Have LOVED

3. Neo Geo Pocket Colour

Uncharted ps vita

It might have only been around for a year, but the Neo Geo Pocket Colour was a fine handheld system that fell foul of larger companies holding the market.

SNK deployed the Pocket Colour back in 1999 but it was discontinued in the western world before long as competition from the Gameboy Colour proved too much to be up against.

However, thanks to its partnership with SEGA, gamers were able to play certain games they might never have got their hands on, with the SNK Vs Capcom series proving very popular among the fighting community.

It featured a handy cable to connect direct to the SEGA Dreamcast as part of that partnership in a move we hadn't seen much of previously.

The Pocket Colour had all the potential to be a must-have handheld, but with Nintendo having such a firm grip on the market, it fell short.

Still, it took onboard ideas from previously mentioned consoles like the Lynx and developed them further for the better of everybody going forward

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Football, WWE, NBA, Pokemon, Star Wars, Breaking Bad. Father to two humans and one dog. At my most stressed when getting beat on NBA2K and blaming 'laggy internet' for all losses.