10 Misunderstood Video Game Consoles The World Should Have LOVED

2. SEGA Game Gear

Uncharted ps vita

The Game Gear should be celebrated as one of the finest handheld consoles we have ever seen.

Held back in terms of market domination by the fact that Nintendo and the Game Boy had such a grip on things, the Game Gear offered full colour games to those lucky enough to get their hands on one.

Classic titles such as Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse were an instant hit, while popular SEGA titles like Streets of Rage and Sonic the Hedgehog also proved hugely popular among fans.

The G.G Shinobi, Road Rash and even games like Super Columns were also games which were so much fun to play.

The issue the Game Gear had was that you simply didn't seem to see many people with one. For every person with a Gamer Gear, another four or five would have a Nintendo Gameboy.

It was brilliantly simplistic in its two button and D-pad design, while the sheer amount of titles released meant gamers were never bored.

Additions to the Game Gear like being able to add a magnifying glass to enhance the screen size are also perks which are fondly remembered.

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Football, WWE, NBA, Pokemon, Star Wars, Breaking Bad. Father to two humans and one dog. At my most stressed when getting beat on NBA2K and blaming 'laggy internet' for all losses.