10 More Evil Video Game Villains You Couldn't Wait To Kill

9. Benny - Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout New Vegas

Benny isn't the most imposing villain on this list. He's not a huge monster with superhuman strength, and he doesn't have the might of an entire army behind him, but he has one key feature which makes him even more punchable than the rest: he's a smarmy git. A smooth talker and all around a**hole, New Vegas begins with this guy shooting you in the head, with your initial drive being to get into the luxurious Vegas strip itself and track him down.

After surviving the wastes and getting enough caps to bluff your way into the complex, you track Benny down to a casino where you find him surrounded by hired guns. He'll try to talk you round, and it's here you can either confront him with your fists (as your weapons have been confiscated by the casino security) or watch as he slips through your fingers and disappears to be captured by Caesar's Legion.

Though the latter result might seem like you've missed your chance at revenge, it pays dividends later. When you make your way over to the camp where he's being held, Caesar offers you a gift: you can either have Benny straight-up murdered, have him fight you one on one in the arena, or order him to death by crucifixion. I know which option most of us took.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3