10 More Evil Video Game Villains You Couldn't Wait To Kill

5. Flowey - Undertale

undertale 4th wall flowey
toby fox

Undertale is all about messing with the player. Part of the experience is figuring out that, in a way, you're the bad guy who's invaded another world and started killing all of its inhabitants, potentially including the one person who was only looking out for you. There's still a villain in the conventional sense in the initially-unassuming Flowey, a sunflower who shows up to taunt you at various points across your journey.

The little terror, at the beginning anyway, appears to be friendly, referring to you as their "best friend". All that pretence is dropped by the finale, though, and Flowey transforms into a gigantic amalgamation of vines, tentacles and bulging eyes thanks to the souls it's devoured, becoming an apocalyptic monster who appears all but invincible.

The fight itself is difficult (as a lot of Undertale's boss bouts are), more of an LSD-style trip through hell than anything the player's encountered previously. You can overcome the sheer anarchy filling the screen with enough perseverance, and pluck the flower out of reality entirely.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3