10 More Insane Lies Told On Video Game Box Art
4. Discovery Kids: Dolphin Discovery - Screenshots From A Different Game
Discover Kids: Dolphin Discovery, a 2009 piece of Nintendo DS edutainment shovelware in which your purpose is to raise porpoises like some weird hybrid Ecco the Dolphin and Nintendogs hybrid, is naturally awash with the ocean's most entertaining mammals. And as you'd expect, there's a screenshot of one of the flippery folk on the game's box.
There's just one problem: it's not taken from this game, but similar cetacean-sim My Pet Dolphin (remarkably, one of at least six dolphin or dolphin-adjacent titles on Nintendo's handheld). That to the dolphin genre is akin to the latest FIFA slapping a snap of PES on the back: unforgivable.
The daftest thing about this whole duplicate dolphin debacle is that the bogus promotional image actually looks worse than the visuals Dolphin Discovery boasts. And they were so near (sonar...).