10 More Movies That Need To Be Video Games

2. Prometheus (2012)

Plays Like - Mass Effect, Dead Space Developer - Visceral Games Few movies in recent years have suffered the same level of fanboy scorn as Prometheus, effectively managing to rile significant numbers of film fans due to its refusal to answer many of its own questions. Instead it simply tiers them on top of each other like a ponderous wedding cake. It€™s likely that Ridley Scott has either decided to eventually unleash a 3hr extended cut on Blu-ray, or simply leave us hanging until the inevitable sequels come later down the line. Or there's another option - He could follow in the footsteps of the Wachowski Brothers, whose own answer to making a confused mess of a movie (The Matrix Reloaded) was to release a game with the bold claim that it will tie up any loose ends. Enter The Matrix was that very game, and it answered diddly squat. Prometheus: The Game could be a more successful companion piece to the movie by fleshing out the story and filling some of the plot holes. Just what was that albino thing doing at the beginning ? What was Robo-Fassbender really up to ? How did Idris Elba manage to seduce Charlize Theron with a dodgy southern drawl and an accordion ? Achievements/Trophies Prometheus Has Landed - Reach LV-223 Pied Piper - Unlock David's Space Flute Why Ridley ? Why ?!? - Witness the birth of the Xenomorph
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Cult horror enthusiast and obsessive videogame fanatic. Stephen considers Jaws to be the single greatest film of all-time and is still pining over the demise of Sega's Dreamcast. As well regularly writing articles for WhatCulture, Stephen also contributes reviews and features to Ginx TV.