10 MORE Video Game Trophy Stats You Won't Believe
8. More Than 10% Of Subnautica Players Have Never Gotten Wet

If you thought our prior finding that 12% of Fallout 4 players have never even left the vault was ridiculous, Subnautica's trophies might reveal an even more outrageous statistic.
Given that Subnautica is primarily centered around underwater exploration, and players are literally told to take a dip in the ocean just two minutes into the game, it's almost hilarious that 16% of PS5 players and 9.9% of PS4 players haven't even done it.
We can infer from this that around a tenth of Subnautica players put out the fire in their crashed pod, climbed the ladder to the outside world, and then just... somehow resisted the urge to jump in all that gorgeously rendered water.
Even accepting that the game was given away for free by Sony years ago, that's a virtually unprecedented bounce rate, that such a huge number of players were seemingly put off the game during its opening sequence - an opening sequence which, more to the point, is pretty damn engrossing.