10 MORE Video Game Trophy Stats You Won't Believe

7. 8% Of Sea Of Thieves Players Have Never Set Sail

subnautica game

Subnautica isn't the only game to suggest that a small but significant percentage of players have a total aversion to water.

Swashbuckling adventure game Sea of Thieves is wholly concerned with players setting sail on a ship and faring the sea with their pals.

And yet, a staggering 8.7% of Steam players and 8% of Xbox players haven't even popped the "Now Bring Me That Horizon" achievement for setting sail for the very first time.

Given that this is the game's entire appeal, and almost as many players even popped the frivolous "Legends - 'Cronch'" achievement for simply eating a banana, it's maddening that literally thousands of people have never seen what Sea of Thieves is really about despite launching the game.

And you can't even blame Xbox Game Pass for lowering the barrier of entry here, given that there's a higher percentage of paid Steam players who've never once felt the digital sea breeze in their hair.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.