10 MORE Video Game Trophy Stats You Won't Believe

6. Only 12.2% Of Gran Turismo 7 Players Have Tried Ranked Multiplayer

subnautica game
Polyphony Digital

While there will always be those players totally averse to ever going online - especially on consoles, where a fee is charged for the "privilege" - it's nevertheless fair to assume that a large number of Gran Turismo 7's players have at least tried the Sport multiplayer mode.

Sport mode is the racing simulator's ranked multiplayer lobby, and while any non-casual online play is going to immediately alienate the more casual-minded quarters of any fanbase, given the highly competitive and obsessive nature of the Gran Turismo fandom, it's reasonable to expect a huge amount of players playing at least one race, right?

Yet at present just 12.2% of players have finished a race in Sport mode, accounting for less than one-eighth of people who ever launched the game.

Considering that the Gran Turismo franchise tends to attract racing enthusiasts with a keenness to prove their skills online, it's shocking that actual uptake for ranked play has been so low, even accepting that the series also appeals to those craving more laid-back racing thrills.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.