10 MORE Video Games That Let You Skip The Story Entirely

1. Gotta Get That Crab Rangoon! - Far Cry 4

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In the previous list, we mentioned the secret ending from Far Cry 6, in which your character escapes to the US. However, the Far Cry series actually has a long history of these types of secret story skips, beginning with the original "don't do anything" ending in Far Cry 4.

The ending can be triggered within the first half an hour of the game. During the dinner with Kyrat's dictator, Pagan Min, in the opening sequence, Pagan leaves your character Ajay to deal with a torture victim in his basement. This is obviously a cue for you to leave and start your long and bloody crusade against Pagan's regime.

However, if you decide to stay and wait, Pagan actually comes back. The two of you finish your Crab Rangoon, and after, Pagan takes Ajay to his mother's shrine, where he reveals that he plans on making Ajay the new ruler of Kyrat. End of story.

What makes this ending extra special is that, according to the Far Cry timeline, this is the canonical ending of Far Cry 4. Meaning that in just thirty minutes you can reach the true (and best) ending, and you don't even have to lift a finger!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.