10 MORE Video Games That Let You Skip The Story Entirely

2. Kill Ryoji - Persona 3

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In Persona 3, you play as a group of supernaturally gifted teenagers trying to stop a mysterious goddess of death named Nyx from ending the world.

If all of this sounds like a little too much to handle, don't worry. The game actually offers you an easier solution to your characters' mission than taking on an actual god. Simply backing out of the fight.

-- Spoilers for Persona 3 --

When the in-game calendar reaches December 31st, Ryoji, the roommate of the main character, Makoto, reveals that he is actually an avatar of Nyx, and once he transforms into his true form, he will allow Nyx to bring about the end of the world.

At this point, Ryoji gives your team a choice - they can kill him before he sets off the apocalypse or let him live and face Nyx in all of her glory.

The former option will actually lead to a special secret ending in which your characters forget about all the supernatural stuff they experienced and get to spend the rest of their school year in peace... until Nyx comes back to end the world anyway, because it turns out killing her avatar merely postponed her arrival.

Well, that one year of happy everyday life was pretty sweet, though.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.