10 More Video Games That Punished You For Trying To Be Cool

1. Violating Traffic Laws Angers The Fuzz - The Getaway

Dishonored Emily
Soho Studio

Now to be clear, nobody's saying that violating traffic laws in real life is a cool, fun, or responsible thing to do, but in a video game things are a little different.

In our first article on this subject we covered how the Mafia games will have the cops chase you if you break the speed limit, but a few months after Mafia The Getaway was released, which looked at Mafia's take on enforcing the Highway Code and said, "Hold my beer."

While it's sporadically fun to try and drive "properly" in any sandbox action game with cars, eventually you'll want to do the thing you can't in real life: run red lights, go the wrong way down the road, and just cause general vehicular chaos.

But at the start of The Getaway - before the cops are actively chasing you down - even the most minor traffic infraction is enough to have the po-po speeding after you.

Exceed the speed limit, run a red light, or go down the wrong side of the road - admittedly, not that minor as traffic foibles go - and the full might of the Metropolitan Police will quickly come down on you.

And given that The Getaway is a considerably more "realistic" open world shooter than, say, Grand Theft Auto, trying to play the unflappable hell-raising badass will result in a quick death.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.