10 MORE Video Games You’ll Never 100%
9. Monster Hunter: World

Fans of the Monster Hunter franchise know that when you finish customising your character and leap into the fray for the first time, you’re in it for the long haul. That’s absolutely true of the latest instalment, 2018’s Monster Hunter: World.
While Capcom’s acclaimed action RPG does offer a story with an ‘ending’ and credits roll, you’re really just getting warmed up at that point.
Why You’ll Never 100% It:
Early in the game’s lifespan, the Monster Hunter faithful were a little dismayed by the fact that there weren’t many different species of monster to hunt (by series standards). As of the release of the Iceborne expansion, though, this is an absolutely monumental package.
If you’re here to craft every piece of gear and complete every single quest, you’re in for a rough ride. Are you also shooting for the crowns awarded for defeating a particularly large and particularly small monster of every species?
The trouble with all of this is that a lot of these factors are determined by RNG, meaning that loot drops and monster sizes are out of your control to an extent. Some end-game quests are challenging enough, but throw in the fact that certain ones are event-exclusive - alongside the luck factor - and you’ve got a real problem.
You might have the time and skill to do everything in Monster Hunter: World (it’ll take a lot of both), but if the game doesn’t want to cooperate, you still won’t succeed.