10 Most Addictive Video Games Of 2017 (So Far)

6. Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War

Cuphead Genie

While it's been overshadowed by controversy in the weeks following release, Shadow of War is still an excellent game at heart.

Continuing the addictive orc-dominating experience established in the original game, the sequel steps things up a notch, improving massively on the Nemesis system and creating a persistent world that constantly shifts to your actions.

While the main campaign might not be anything to write home about, you can lose entire nights and weekends just exploring the battlefields of Middle-Earth and making your own stories. Striking up rivalries with orcs makes for an always engrossing gameplay experience, and the personalities of each enemy elevates them to being much more than just cannon fodder.

Because you're not relying on the story or the missions to give you the game's most memorable moments, there's no reason to stop playing Shadow of War unless you've had your fill of hunting orcs. With rivalries popping up every single time you boot the game up though, that's not likely to be for a while.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3