10 Most Addictive Video Games Of 2017 (So Far)

5. Destiny 2

Cuphead Genie

Although it initially seemed as though Destiny 2 was going to be a marked improvement on the original, players quickly realised that the anticipated sequel was just more of the same Destiny goodness they were used to.

That didn't really matter though, because its central loop of completing missions and gaining new loot was just as addictive as ever.

Few developers do first-person combat quite like Bungie, and the feel of this gunplay combined with the constant promise of new gear was enough to keep players involved in the game's world long after they became bored of the main story missions.

Teaming up with friends to tackle the title's raid, taking part in spontaneous world events and grinding out missions you've already completed, there's a repetitive flow to Destiny that's difficult to dislike. You can step back and look at the game and realise that what you're doing isn't that substantial or complex, but that doesn't mean it isn't still addictive as hell.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3