10 Most Addictive Video Games Of 2017 (So Far)

4. NieR: Automata

Cuphead Genie
Platinum Games

Despite being repetitive and sterile aesthetically, there was something beautifully haunting about Nier: Automata's world that players just couldn't pull themselves away from. The buildings were identical, the landscapes barren and the missions rarely having any real variety, but somehow all of those negatives only added to the unique charm and deep philosophical themes of the action-RPG.

On the surface looking like any other open world game from the past few years, this sequel only gets better the longer you play it, defying expectations and showing familiar events from entirely new perspectives on different playthroughs.

Deceptively rich, there was a lot of personality to uncover that was tucked away in the game's seemingly bland characters and missions. It made for a world you didn't want to leave once you were in it, and even if you did you'd still probably have the dreamy soundtrack ringing around your head until you came back.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3