10 Most Addictive Video Games Of 2017 (So Far)

3. Sonic Mania

Cuphead Genie

A lot of people never thought they'd ever see it happen, but after years and years of not-so-patiently waiting, the impossible finally happened: SEGA released not only a good Sonic game, but a great one.

Returning to the side-scrolling 2D style of the original titles, Mania originally wasn't going to be an official release at all, but was quickly picked up by the publisher after attracting a wave of attention online. Blending new levels with remixed classics and unused ones from previous games, Sonic Mania was everything the fans had been waiting for.

Being more than just a vehicle for nostalgia though, Mania was a solid game in its own right, perfectly matching the speed of the iconic character with precise platforming in a way that was still kinetic and fast paced.

Will SEGA be able to follow up such a hit with something as good going forward? Probably not, but fortunately players will still be too invested in Mania to care.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3