10 Most Addictive Video Games Of All Time

2. Pokémon Red & Blue

Pokemon red and blue

Looking back on the first titles we received in Europe now makes them look a bit tired and rather basic but that doesn’t make them bad games by any stretch of the imagination. If anything, these games created the anti-social generation glued to their screens simply by being so painfully addictive.

When you first set out as a Pokémon trainer, you had no idea of what was ahead of you or why it would end up meaning so much to you. You were given a cute starter Pokémon that you had no idea what to do with or what it would become and it was this lack of any clue what you were doing that compelled you to explore the world compressed on that tiny screen.

Bear in mind that when these games arrived we didn’t even have colour on our Gameboys. There was no Wi-Fi for a global transfer network; we had link cables for trading and battling. Not only that but we were set to the tune of chipset sound – no MP3s for us!

We had to engage with the story, we couldn’t just switch it off because we had to go to bed, eat our dinner or do our homework and we had to take down Team Rocket, the Elite Four and our rival as quickly as possible – catching them all wasn’t going to take us long but we went round again and again and again and so on and so forth.

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.