10 Most Baffling Crossovers In Video Game History

1. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker's Monster Hunter Missions

metal gear solid peace walker monster hunter

The first hints that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker might be linked to the Monster Hunter universe came during the game's story, with audio tapes detailing an uncharted island of monsters which could be hiding in plain sight.

In classic MGS fashion, you have to jump through a few convoluted hoops to find out whether these monsters are real or not, embarking on a seemingly innocuous side mission and going off the beaten path to seek out your first hunt.

There's only a couple to find, but during these missions Peace Walker essentially transforms into a mini Monster Hunter sequel, with the spectacular battles and engaging gameplay all mimicking Capcom's amazing franchise.

Even better, not only do you face off against beasts from that series, but there's also a couple MGS-themed variants as well, including Gear REX, a monster horribly mutated thanks to repeated nuclear testing.

The fact that it's tucked away so well makes the crossover even more impressive, as only the most hardcore fans of both series would ever put in the effort to seek these hidden missions out.


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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3