10 Most Baffling Crossovers In Video Game History

10. Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe

Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe
Midway Games

When Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe was first announced, just about everyone was wondering why the hell the developers had opted to mesh one of the most violent, blood-filled fighting games of all time with the distinctly teen-oriented world of DC superheroes. The truthful answer is pretty boring though, in that Midway Games, on their last legs and facing bankruptcy at the time, signed a deal with Warner Bros. to create a crossover fighting game in the hopes of bringing in a new audience.

Although the decision was rooted primarily in business practices, the developers actually did a pretty good job of blending the two clashing worlds together. Sure, the violence had to be toned down quite considerably, but it was replaced with an unparalleled sense of scale, with stage transitions and super moves brilliantly representing the larger-than-life fighting styles of the comic-book heroes and villains.

Nobody had ever pictured Superman going toe-to-toe with Scorpion, but after MK vs. DC Universe came out, fans couldn't imagine a world where that didn't happen.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3