10 Most Baffling Crossovers In Video Game History

9. Soul Calibur IV's Star Wars Guest Characters

soul calibur star wars darth vader yoda

Although it's par for the course now to have guest characters showing up in fighting games that don't mesh at all with the universe of the franchise, Soul Calibur IV was the first title to really popularise the approach. Sure, Namco Bandai's series had featured guest characters before, but only ones who fit vaguely with the general look and overall aesthetic of the series (like Link!).

The fourth game threw any semblance of consistency out the window though, and introduced Yoda and Darth Vader to the roster (depending on which version of the title you picked up). More than just quirky cameos, these were some of the most powerful fighters in the whole game, instantly gaining a reputation for being overpowered - which meant everyone was using them.

Sticking to the Star Wars theme, they even added in Vader's apprentice Starkiller from The Force Unleashed as DLC, as well as making the original two fighters available to be purchased no matter which console you owned.

Although it was completely unexpected at the time - especially putting the guest characters front and centre on the game's box art - it was a risk that ultimately paid off in the long run, making the fourth title one of the most successful releases in the franchise.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3