10 Most Baffling Crossovers In Video Game History

8. Poker Night 2 Has The Most Diverse Group Of Gamblers Ever

Poker Night 2
TellTale Games

Poker Night At The Inventory, while not being a title you'd associate with Telltale Games, became one of their biggest underground successes when it released in 2010. Bringing in a cast of characters from different titles, including the likes of The Heavy from Team Fortress 2 and Sam of Sam and Max fame, to face off against each other over a game of Texas hold 'em, the quirky title became a surprising hit with gamers when it dropped on steam.

However, the sequel took its guest characters to a whole other level. On top of the players from the original title, the second release brought in the likes of Ash from The Evil Dead series, GLaDOS from Portal and a bevy of characters from Borderlands, including Claptrap.

Each coming with their own unique art styles, moving between realistic-looking models and characters who were straight up cartoons, Poker Night 2 was made up of an absolute hodgepodge of visual influences from across multiple different franchises, and it made for one of the most charming experiences Telltale have ever put out.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3