10 Most Breathtaking Moments In Video Game History

2. The First Colossus - Shadow Of The Colossus

Shadow Of The Colossus
Sony Interactive

Featuring enemies of immense scale, each one more massive than the last, Shadow of the Colossus is a collection of moments designed to take your breath away. While it is arguable which Colossus is the most imposing, the encounter with the introductory Colossus is universally epic across the spectrum because it is the first one everyone faces off against.

You start at the beginning with no real idea of what you'll be fighting, heading off to face the first of 16 Colossi in an effort to save your lost love. After traversing some vines and ruins along side a cliff, you hear a roar and see a gargantuan being, club in hand, walk past with no notice of your presence. The sheer scale of the situation is both exciting and intimidating, and learning how to take these towering beasts down is what makes Shadow of the Colossus such a uniquely compelling game.

This first Colossus isn't the biggest or the most aggressive, and isn't even particularly that difficult. However, the novelty of meeting a Colossus head on is its most potent here, and so provides the most impact. After all, as they say, nobody forgets their first time. The scope and accompanying musical score are simply unparalleled even to this day.

As first impressions go, it doesn't get much more breathtaking than this.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.