10 Most Compelling Backstories Of GTA Characters

8. Donald Love (GTA: Vice City/GTA III)

In GTA III, Donald Love is the owner and operator of Love Media. A charming, somewhat unnerving man, Love tells the player's character that he finds it easier to control one man's loyalty through money than a collective group, giving insight into exactly how manipulative and shrewd he is. Throughout their dealings with him, there's a sense that Love is someone to be respected yet also feared. Incredibly, in the earlier time zone of GTA: Vice City, Love is a nerdy, awkward and shy little man who backs up property expert Avery Carrington. This younger character is a huge contrast between the Donald Love gamers would later become privy to in GTA III, which is set years later in 2001. So, what happened in the intervening years to change Love from the shy retiring type into a bold, dashing and dangerous media mogul? The character aged, obviously, but there must have been issues there which helped shift his personality into one of supreme confidence. That kind of story is just begging to be told!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.