10 Most Compelling Backstories Of GTA Characters

6. O.G Loc (GTA: San Andreas)

When on top form, Grand Theft Auto games offer a truly marvellous mix of drama, crime and laugh-out-loud humour that is the envy of every other video game manufacturer on the planet. The writing is often superb, a shining bastion of all that is right with the medium and how interaction can be key in making people care about fictional characters. Even those who are largely throwaway can make a connection with the player, such as the overtly in-your-face O.G Loc, a pretty mild-mannered man who wants desperately to be taken seriously, but never realises that it is in fact his own campy overtones and assertions of being 'gangsta' which stop him from relating to others. In GTA: San Andreas, Loc confuses everyone he comes into contact with, but much like many others in this universe Rockstar have created, the man has something charming and engaging about him. There's more than meets with eye with Jeffrey 'O.G Loc' Cross, he's more certainly not a gang-banging' boy from the hood, more just a well-dressed and muscled pretender, but the fact this is so plainly obvious only makes him all that more compelling.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.