10 Most Controversial Video Game Achievements Ever

2. Bros Before Hos - God Of War: Ascension

God of War Ascension
SCE Santa Monica

The Achievement

Escape the Fury Ambush.

Why It's Controversial

This is the only achievement on this list which whipped up enough of a furore to actually be changed by the developers.

In the 19th chapter of God of War: Ascension, Kratos is attacked by two Furies, and the resulting fight leads to him brutally stamping on one of the Furies' faces before impaling her on a spike.

Kratos is then rescued from the Furies by Orkos, and as the cutscene transitions into the 20th chapter, an achievement pops with the title "Bros before Hos."

The achievement was quickly criticised by some as misogynistic, while others simply groaned at how unimaginatively childish it was.

Either way, SCE Santa Monica quickly patched the game, altering the trophy to "Bros before Foes," which is not only way less offensive but also way more amusing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.