10 Most Controversial Video Game Achievements Ever

1. All Together, Again - The Suicide Of Rachel Foster

The Suicide of Rachel Foster
Daedalic Entertainment

The Achievement

Complete the game.

Why It's Controversial

The recently released "walking simulator" The Suicide of Rachel Foster is an undeniably earnest attempt to engage with the theme of suicide in a meaningful way, and while most of the game takes a refreshingly frank approach to its subject, developers ONE-O-ONE GAMES somewhat fumbled their message in the final stretch.

At the end of the game, the player character ends up sealed inside a car and is instructed to turn on the ignition, in turn flooding the car with carbon monoxide.

After a moment, the player can either turn off the ignition and save themselves, or allow their character to succumb to the fumes and die in the game's closing moments.

What received pushback from some players was the fact that a Steam achievement called "All Together, Again" is doled out for killing yourself, and in an otherwise sober look at the effects of suicide, it feels a tad off to "reward" killing yourself in-game.

Furthermore, you can't alternately obtain the achievement by unlocking the other "happier" ending: the only way to 100% the game's achievement list is to kill yourself, which feels rather counter to the game's entire message.

Given the strong possibility that emotionally vulnerable people may be playing the game, it's a really, really bad look.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.