10 Most Dangerous Enemies In Enter The Gungeon

9. Gummy

enter the gungeon
Dodge Roll

Brendan Fraiser’s worst nightmare, there are even mummies in the Gungeon. A wicked undead wielding a rapid fire SMG similar to that of the Hollowpoint ghost. However, what separates the Gummy from other ghastly enemies is its ability to summon a dangerous and fast jammed Spent. A sidekick that frantically tracks you down and can remove whole hearts at a time with the added ability to explode into a hail of blood red bullets upon death.

What makes the Gummy an absolute pain to come across is that it combines the abilities of multiple enemies into a cocktail of pain and ghostly agony. With the summoning abilities of an Ammomancer, the gun of the Hollowpoint and the health of Imhotep.

While its art style is a cute, imaginative throwback design, that doesn’t prevent nightmares from inhabiting the titular Gungeon.


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