10 Most Dangerous Enemies In Enter The Gungeon
8. Gunjurer
Weak in health, but powerful in magical ability, this red cloaked sorcerer will make even your strongest weapons null and void. Imagine you have a rapid fire, high capacity rocket launcher or perhaps a literal glass cannon. You unload everything at max velocity towards the Gunjurer and he simply twirls his stupid little stick in the air and takes all these insanely damaging rounds, spins them ‘round his noggin and throws them right back at you.
This wizard's unique skill is to both summon and absorb any and all bullets and projectiles and fire them back upon the assailant. Of course they are invulnerable while performing this ritual leaving your only opportunity for retaliation when they attack.
There are few things more satisfying in the ever changing labyrinth than dishing back to the Gunjurer what he just tried to serve you moments before.