10 Most Dangerous Enemies In Enter The Gungeon
6. Gun Cultist
The Gun Cultist is a dirty thief. They have stolen your, the Gungeoneer’s, greatest ability, the dodge roll. With as much as it’s been mentioned throughout the dodge roll is a necessity in the Gungeon. Its importance cannot be downplayed or understated. Hell, even the developer of the game is named dodgeroll.
But suddenly the developers wanted to pull the bullet ridden rug out from under you with the inclusion of the Gun Cultist.
With their tongues waving wildly about, these insane former explorers will rapidly roll around the room like they’re trying to avoid a Dark Souls boss. Obviously the dodge roll allows you to literally dodge over, around, and through bullets. With this fact in mind, the Gun Cultist can be insanely, pun intended, difficult to pin down.
They will never stop in their dodge rolling quest, until they dodge roll you to zero hearts. Now count how many dodge rolls were included in this entry.