10 Most Disappointing Video Games Of 2018

2. The Quiet Man

The Quiet Man
Square Enix

Okay, so let me explain how The Quiet Man could ever be considered a "disappointment". The game clearly looked troubled from its strange-as-all-hell announcement, followed by Square Enix just dropping the title onto storefronts out of nowhere. With that said, underneath the weird marketing and odd FMV cutscenes was a genuinely ambitious idea.

Attempting to represent what it would be like to be a deaf video game protagonist, The Quiet Man's story plays out almost entirely in silence, with few subtitles letting the player know what's actually going on. Consequently, it's on them to piece it together just like the hero they're controlling, which could have made for a unique, insightful challenge.

Unfortunately, said story would be virtually incoherent even if there was sound (which there is, as the game can be played for a second time with the dialogue turned on). The ambitious idea at the heart of the title is obfuscated by terrible gameplay and even worse acting, resulting in one of the worst releases of the year.

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Fallout 76
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3